Why Kid’s Piano Teachers Go From Page To Page

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Why do most kid’s piano teachers go from page to page in the standard texts?

Because they are lazy and uncreative. It takes a lot of energy to follow the child like a sheep dog, constantly trying to find out what will excite that individual child and engage their interest with the piano.

It is far easier to open the book, work on a page, and then assign the child the task of mastering that page. The teacher’s motive is to fill the half hour by the easiest means (for them) possible.

The problem is that this method does nothing to make the child interested. The only result is that the piano teacher has discharged their obligation to “teach,” and is entitled to collect their fee from the parent. And almost all parents fall for this scam.

What these teachers do is use the book’s “curriculum” to fill the child’s mind, when the opposite should be true: a good piano teacher bases their curriculum on what is in the child’s brain, not on a book they buy from Amazon.

The result of these shoddy teaching practices are a child that loses interest quickly in the piano.

It is far harder to engage each individual child and try to discover what will make them want to play. I can guarantee you that the content of the average piano book will not do the job.

A standard piano book is only one of many tools that a piano teacher should use. You need games, improvisation, visual and physical training and a lot of personal attention, none of which is present in the average piano teaching book.

But they go on and on, from one boring page to the next, never realizing that they are destroying the child’s desire to play the piano.

Far harder to make the method up as you go, using the child’s reaction as their guide.

But such piano teachers are utterly lost without the crutch of “the book,” the be-all and end-all of their “piano method.”

Here’s a piano method that meets kids head on, and starts with material they can handle with enthusiasm:


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