Kids, Piano and the iPhone/Tablet Paradigm

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The most destructive force I see in young kids is the introduction of smartphones and tablet computers.

A perfect example is the brother of a nine year old I teach. He is six, and when I met him was a bubbly, communicative, rather normally hyperactive child. He always stayed in the room for the lesson, offering funny observations and jumping on the sofa.

The parents are never home, and I teach them at 7pm, so I think there is neglect at work here. Granted, they must have a huge mortgage and need to work to pay it, but still, there is not enough parenting that I can see in action.

A month ago, the parents got the boy a tablet computer. Within a week, he stopped smiling, talking and jumping on the sofa. He’s on the sofa with his tablet, endlessly poking away, silently lost in a world pre-arranged by some software designer.

Whereas before he wanted to participate in the lessons, now he is totally isolated, speaking to no one, never looking up from the tablet.

What most disturbs me is the change in his demeanor. Sullen, quiet, lost and dead-eyed now, he has lost the spark of childhood.

I think computers do that, dulling down, to all of us, but the effect on a child is devastating.

This child will never take up the piano.

He’s too busy with his tablet and iphone for stupid activities like making music.

Here’s a link to a piano method that may excite your child because it uses numbers instead of notes to get them immediately involved, if their head is not stuck inside their iphone. Copyright 2013 John Aschenbrenner All Rights Reserved

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